The Ultimate Go Kart Racetrack That Kids and Adults will Enjoy!
Corolla Raceway provides the newest Single, Double, and Jr. Go-Karts, along with Bumper Cars for the entire family.
Reg single seats, riders must be 56" to ride.
2 seaters, 56" and in order to drive a child the driver must be 16 years old.
Jr. Racer 46" and these cars stop at 4:30 each day.
Bumpers 40"
The bumper cars are gas operated with joy stick handles.....very easy to operate even a 40" tall 3 year old can drive! They are single seat only.
Arcade Games Include:
Yellow Sub claw machine,
Stacker, Dead storm pirates,
Batman, Big Buck,
Terminator, Aliens Exterminator,
Basket Ball, Ski Ball
Open May-September from
10:00a.m. -10:00p.m. daily in Season.
Our young riders must be 40" tall for bumper cars and 46" tall to drive Junior Karts.